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#7 - I suggest watching multiple times, especially with children 7 and older (younger might not understand)

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um, #6 - Read Humanae Vitae by Pope Pius VI.?? Don't you mean Paul VI?

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Oh, the horror. This is the kind of thing that just knocks the air out of me. When I saw your comment I thought, "Well, I did copy and paste this from an earlier draft of the book, surely I or one of the editors caught that before publication." Nope. I just looked. Congrats, Evelyn. You're the first person in 10 years to catch that idiotic mistake. In my defense, when I wrote the book, we were attending St. Pius X parish. I think I had (have?) a habit of swapping Pius with Paul sometimes just from that parish. But honestly, no excuse. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

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Ok, so I have the book and didn't catch it earlier either.. :)

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